Sunday, September 1, 2013

Halloween and your Pets

Halloween is a fun time of year for dressing up and special treats. This can include our furry friends (hot dog costume, anyone?), but there are precautions that all pet owners should take to ensure a safe holiday. Keep candy away from your pets- chocolate intoxication can cause symptoms ranging from vomiting/diarrhea to heart problems and death. Even sugar free candy can cause problems if sweetened by xylitol. Remind children of this rule as well; keep those bags of treats on a counter or closed in a bedroom to keep “Fido” from playing the disappearing candy trick! Bring pets indoors if possible and put nervous pets or “door-dashers” in a bedroom/laundry room to avoid runaways. You can turn on music or a television to drown out the noise of the doorbell. Follow these simple guidelines and have a happy Halloween! ~ Susie Powell, DVM